A couple from Minnesota was treated to a funny episode when they came home from their vacation. They found their front window smashed and immediately sensed something amiss. As is anyone’s guess, a broken window is a clear sign of a house broken into, so the couple made sure to approach their home cautiously in case the burglar was still inside. Well, he was!
Sitting on their couch was the criminal in his wild skin. Barry Peterson had to call 911 and explain their strange finding. The cops showed up. While the doors and windows were opened to allow the wild turkey a good escape route, the little creature didn’t seem rattled by the home owner’s presence. All Tom seemed to care about was his enjoyable time on the couch!
After some coaxing to no avail, the officer had to request for back up. He even snapped a few photos of Tom just to keep this funny moment in memory. Finally, another officer showed up with a light and used it to guide Tom out the door. It worked!