
At first glance, the nest seemed empty. But after digging, he discovered two eggs inside and took them home to see what he could do.

After four days, carefully collect the eggs and bring them to the light. Are these signs of life? Not in the first. But there was definitely movement per second.

Alwyn was going to be “daddy” again!

One day, he took out the plastic container from the incubator to check on how things were going, and was surprised to find the smallest baby bird he had ever seen, and he was hungry!

So he ran to the garden and found lice crawling on his roses. He fed them very carefully to the wren, who starved them and never had enough. So Alwyn kept going to the park and having more, for a total of 80 feedings a day.

It’s hard to see in pictures, but this kid was no bigger than a miniature. But under Alwyn’s love and care – and the near-constant diet of lice, mosquitoes and other insects – the disease grew and began to fill in. In just a few days, this little child had feathers, could stand on his own and was ready to explore the world.

Check out the video below to see this baby grow from an embryo to a full fledged bird – honestly, that’s pretty cool.

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