It’s no coincidence that Gabe receives gifts. Four years ago, 8-year-old Gabe…
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176 posts
Swimmer Wonders The Reason People Yelling At Him To Move Sees A Crocodile Near Him
The young swimmer from Sian Ka’an, Mexico was captured on videotape frantically…
Man notice two legs stuck in a metal bars at the road left his car to help out the poor animal
A man was driving on a road in Australia when he saw…
Bear’s sad-looking eyes was held captive for over 30 years set free to run in the wild
About three decades ago, Pippi the Bear was performing at a beautiful…
Woman Waves To Friendly Bear From Her Car The Bear Stands Goes On To Wave Back At Her
This brown bear, which weighs around 300 pounds, seems to have a…
Thief Tried To Take A Woman’s Bike A Cowboy Show Up On A Horse In Walmart’s Parking Lot Saves The Day
Then the cowboy hero called 911, and a funny exchange ensued. “911.…
Zeus A Rescued Blind Owl Who Stunning Eyes Look Like A Galaxy Full of Stars
At the Wildlife Learning Center in Sylmar, California, the team sets out…
A Vet Came Across A Chained Horse Stops Went To Free Him The Horse Gives A Thank You To The Couple
After learning about a specific case of a chained horse, the Four…
Bull running on the streets suddenly stops as he recognizes an old familiar man looking at him
In Spain it is customary to put bulls on closed streets so…
Pregnant Horse Gets Help From A Guy Helping Her Giving Birth The Horse Meet With Its Baby
Childbirth is a beautiful process, and when a mother meets her baby…
Cows Kept Inside A Barn For Locked For Months They Got Set Free Into Their Wildlife
When you’re stuck indoors during the frigid winter months with ice and…
Herd of elephants suddenly realize a member is missing they call out others come out running to join in
Elephants are intelligent and emotional creatures. And just like humans and dogs,…