
This brown bear, which weighs around 300 pounds, seems to have a very optimistic personality! The bear resides at Olympic Farm in Washington State. Since he sees a lot of visitors and onlookers, you might expect him to get used to people and not mind their presence.

But one woman showed her friendly side with a simple gesture. Although he is one of hundreds of big animals on the Olympic farm, he seems to be one of the happiest animals after watching this video!

Olympic Game Farm provides visitors with up-close and personal views of wildlife to increase education about animals we don’t often see or hear about. Set against the beautiful landscape of beautiful Washington, visitors walk through the galleries and can see the animals in their natural environment, which is the most impressive way to see these animals.

This bear is one of the best examples of the wonderful wildlife interaction you can have on these types of farms.

When we think of majestic animals as large as this adorable brown bear, we often think that they wouldn’t be friendly and would have such a positive reaction to us as humans.

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