
Recalling their romantic yet challenging journey to The New York Post, Ketchum recounted facing online harassment from trolls who speculated she had been groomed by Foster due to their unconventional relationship. The couple frequently encountered mistaken assumptions, often being confused as mother and daughter or even grandmother and granddaughter.

Foster shared, “I initially had concerns about the age gap and our unconventional meeting, but I realized I needed to prioritize my own happiness. Once I made that choice, it was liberating. I stopped worrying about others’ opinions, and our relationship flourished.”

Despite facing criticism, their love remains steadfast. They co-parent their children and share common interests such as music, outdoor activities, and beer preferences.

Foster added, “I’ve learned to focus on my own happiness. I feel incredibly fortunate to have found such a beautiful soul to share my life with.”

Planning their wedding for June 2023, the couple aims to create a supportive and inclusive environment, advocating that love knows no bounds. Ketchum emphasized their desire to spread love and offer a beacon of hope to others

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