Following the birth of Zoe’s second baby, the zoo’s veterinarian sought Turner’s assistance in guiding Zoe through the process of breastfeeding.
“I was wearing my breastfeeding bra, and I showed Zoe everything without reservation. I wanted her to observe the entire process since orangutans don’t cover up. I wanted her to see my breasts, witness Caleb’s actions as he searched for nourishment, and understand the latch,” Turner explained.
“I made sure to expose my breast fully when placing Caleb on it so Zoe could see where the baby should go. Throughout, I communicated with her, gesturing towards her, the baby, and her breasts. Once Caleb was latched, I made sure she understood,” she elaborated.
“Zoe remained curious throughout the process, attentively observing. Though she didn’t breastfeed her baby immediately, she was definitely intrigued,” Turner noted.
Before long, Zoe was observed nursing her baby for the first time, bringing joy to all her caregivers at the zoo.
Turner expressed her happiness at having assisted not only an extraordinary animal but also a new mother.
“As a new mom myself, I faced challenges with breastfeeding initially and required significant support and guidance before overcoming them. It was truly special to share this experience with Zoe and aid her on her journey. Whether it’s a human or an orangutan, I’m eager to support any new mother.”