Pets are wonderful animals and definitely dogs top that list. There is no doubt that dogs are amazing creatures to us humans. Research conducted revealed that dog owners had a cool life of happiness and above all, they tend to live longer as compared to those who don’t own them. If you happen to ask any dog owner about what he think about dogs, then be sure to get an answer stating that they are wonderful animals. In the video below, we see some puppies brought to a nursing home for the elderly, a kindergarten and to the gym too. The aim was to find out how people were reacting to their presence.
All was going on as usual at the three different places, until the puppies were on sight. You can easily tell that things changed all of a sudden and smiles sparked on all the faces, starting with the kids, the athletes and finally the elderly who were more than excited on seeing the puppies. Confessing, one of the people at the gym said that he was stressed up and tired, but upon seeing the puppies, he regained the strength and the stress flew away.
Watch the clip below and please SHARE it to all your family and friends on Facebook, as PuppyChow agreed to give a one-pound dog food to shelters for each view of the video.