When you’ve a pet, you treat them like family members. However, some people just don’t get it. They don’t place as much value on their lovely pets as they do on other important things. Such was the case of Stewie.
Stewie was living a good life with his human family, but they didn’t quite appreciate his input in keeping their lives joyful, so when they decided to move, they abandoned him. Stewie was left to feed himself off scraps and dirty stuff on the streets. Luckily, some animal rescuers found him, but he was too scared to join them. He ran away!
A few hours later, Stewie returned to the rescuers and got to enjoy some tasty chicken. They put him in a big cage and took him to the hospital. Turns out, this dog had been feeding on rocks. ROCKS!
He had a few of those hard things still stuck in his stomach. He also had some tumors, eye and skin infection, and was infested with fleas. The rescuers made sure to clean him up and nurse him back to health. The tumors were removed too. By the time Stewie recovered, he was the happiest dog ever!