February 20, 2017 was a bad day for Jessica Wolf and her animals. Jessica lives in Rosenberg, Oregon, and on this fateful day, something really bad happened at her home. A lamp at the barn malfunctioned and the barn caught fire. It went up in flames and killed her pig, 4 goats, and her dog’s litter. Daisy the dog loved her little pups so much that she wanted to jump into the fire to save them, but Jessica knew the dog would die if she did that, so she held her back.
The next few days saw Daisy take trips to the burnt-down barn and lay there whining about her dead puppies. It was horrible. Jessica had to do something to help Daisy, so she went online and shared the story on Facebook. Turns out, someone had a litter whose mom had died after birth. Next, Jessica and Lorna Murphy arranged for a meeting, and then daisy was introduced to her new litter. The moment was so full of reactions!
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