At just weeks of age, this cute little pup, Bobby, lost his mom. She was hit by a speeding truck. Bobby was left motherless and with no one to take that space, but then something else happened and changed his life forever!
The guys from the Michigan Humane Society saved Bobby from his miseries, and then they decided to introduce him to Gwen. Now, Gwen is a cat mom that’s been in a few other viral videos, and you can tell she’s quite something the first time you get to see her. When the little pup came to her, things got warmer!
Gwen isn’t a racist or discriminating. She doesn’t care about the “dog-ish” traits showing all over Bobby’s body. She just wants the best for her kids, and Bobby is now one of hers! In this video, you see her nurturing and caring for all her little ones, Bobby included. This is so lovely I actually had to replay it about 5 times!