A couple from Greece, Fay and Dionisis, adopted a dog by the name of Meli, three and a half years ago. They made it a habit of taking Meli for a walk three times a day. But one day, a stray cat that used to follow them became sick and the couple brought him to the house to recover. Meli had no problem with the cats and during the three times walk, they used to feed 30 stray cats.
Amazingly, the cats would refuse to eat any food the couple used to give out if Meli wasn’t around! What a friendship bond between the cats and Meli, one that is rarely seen among cats and dogs!
Practically, this couple has been working to make sure that the population of the cats is well controlled in the area. To do this, they have done vasectomy to many cats, bout 99% of them. Also, they maintain the area clean by ensuring that they use dry cat food.
With the kind of confidence they have created with the cats, the couple has managed to give some out for adoption.
Watch the amazing video below to hear the couple’s confession on how they have emerged winners in making sure the cats are well taken care of and their population controlled!