
Many companies use the power of cute animals to create viral ads, such as Buzzfeed’s video for Purina pet food, which tells a short story of a dog and his pup or Budweiser’s ads known of cute puppies and majestic horses. However, nothing can beat this Android’s ad titled ” Friends Furever”. The ad, which is a part of Android’s “Be together. Not the same” ad campaign, was shared more than 6.4 million times becoming the most shared ad off all time.

The ad, which was uploaded in February, features unusual pairings goofing around with Roger Miller’s song Oo-De-Lally from Disney’s Robin Hood playing in the background, all living together in happy harmony.. And who wouldn’t share a video of a dog and an elephant, an orangutan and a dog, and even a baby rhinoceros and sheep all playing together?

We can’t help but find ourselves smiling and feeling a little more at peace about the world today…

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