
Reportedly, Kesha’s unusual condition is identified as xylophagia, which the National Institute of Health links to a form of eating disorder known as pica. Pica is characterized by a peculiar craving for consuming substances, whether edible or inedible.

Psychiatrist Dr. John Zajecka explains that any porous or fibrous material consumed can accumulate in the stomach, potentially causing bowel obstruction, which poses a fatal risk. Kesha’s mother and sister have been urging her to cease her habit, with her mother expressing concern about her consumption of tissue paper “like it’s crack.”

Despite these warnings, Kesha persisted, expressing a preference for two-ply tissue paper that she could break down into pieces. Kesha eventually sought help from psychiatrist Dr. Kim Dennis, who reiterated the risks associated with her behavior.

Dennis emphasized the potential fatality of bowel rupture, urging Kesha to recognize the danger she was putting herself in. Kesha, open to the idea of overcoming her 23-year addiction, was encouraged by Dennis to eliminate tissue paper from her home. Dennis suggested using wet wipes as a more digestible alternative to dry tissue.

After their conversation, Kesha peeled the tissue paper and was startled by the amount she had been consuming. Tearfully, she acknowledged the need to stop the habit, pledging to try. Kesha eventually succeeded in reducing her tissue paper consumption to twice a week, marking a significant step towards overcoming her addiction

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