
The montage continued with Sadie donning a delightful animal print dress, showcasing her dance moves to “Be My Lover” by La Bouche. The final clip transported Sadie back in time as she grooved to the 1960s classic “Please Mr. Postman” by the Marvelettes. Sadie’s spirited dancing on her makeshift dance floors was a heartwarming spectacle, and viewers repeatedly returned to witness the joy on her face and the rhythm in her little onesies.

Comments poured in, expressing admiration for Sadie’s natural inclination to dance:

“She just feels it in her soul! It’s not taught, it’s not forced, it’s just felt. Dance baby, dance! 🩰” read one comment.

“It’s so cute that she automatically starts dancing. Instinct to groove to the beat. So adorable 💖” wrote another viewer.

“What a groovy little human!” exclaimed a third commenter.

Many viewers also commended Sadie’s parents for fostering her love of dance and music:

“It just goes to prove that music is the universal language. It’s good that her parents are exposing her to all kinds of music 🎼” stated one viewer.

“This little one is fantastic and fun to watch. All that energy! I love that she will grow up with such a broad taste in music allowing her further exploration into genres much before her time. Good luck mom and dad, you have a rising star on your hands!” remarked another comment.

As of September 2022, Sadie, now 4, has seemingly embraced other hobbies like hiking with her mom, as seen on her Instagram page. However, fans of her dancing moments hope she hasn’t left those joyful days behind. Regardless, if they ever need a reminder of how to boogie down, they can always revisit the montage of videos!

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