A stray cat had no where to go and kept wandering until he found himself breaking into a zoo one day. Then he noticed a big cat and decided to befriend it.
The stray calico cat sneaked into the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Zoo and after finding a lynx inside of his enclosure, the cat made his way into the wild cat’s territory. Anyone would expect the end for the poor kitty, but moments later, the zoo goers were stunned to see these two becoming best friends.
We’re glad one of the onlookers was able to capture and share the moment online for us to see it. The video has been watched for nearly 10-million times.
We’re not sure of how the cat got into the Lynx’s enclosure at St. Petersburg zoo, or if he intended out of his curiousity to seek out his unknown feline friend – anyway we’re all amazed and happy that the meeting didn’t end up in a bad way and you’ll be too when you see this amazing video below!
Most people thought the lynx might attack the unknown visitor, but instead of ripping the poor stray cat to shreds, the most unlikely friendship unfolded right in front of everyone’s eyes and it’s truly incredible!
Zoo employees were undoubtedly shocked when they first saw the stray cat chilling with the lynx, but it was clearly apparent that the two were very happy together and needed one another.
This is one of the most heartwarming stories I’ve seen… Just watch the video and story!