Some notable boogie-woogie musicians include Jools Holland, Big Joe Turner, James Booker, Kenny “Blues Boss” Wayne, Dorothy Donegan, Big Joe Duskin, and, of course, Dr. K. According to, boogie-woogie, also known as “barrelhouse,” is a piano style closely associated with the blues genre. Playing piano in the boogie-woogie style involves using the right hand to produce the accompaniment, resembling a strummed rhythm akin to what is often heard from a guitar or banjo in rural blues dances. The specific approach varies among pianists, ranging from a walking octave to an open-fifth with a blue third or even a simple figure like a falling triad.
In a video clip, as Dr. K concluded his boogie-woogie performance, he seamlessly transitioned back to classical music. The performance video has resonated with millions of music enthusiasts worldwide.
One viewer named Sam remarked, “An English guy playing American piano music for a Chinese girl. Our world’s alright sometimes.” With over 3,700 likes, it’s evident that his comment struck a chord with many.
While we may not all share the same language, music serves as a universal connector. Music transcends boundaries, bringing people together from diverse corners of the world, a much-needed source of unity in challenging times.
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