It was like any other day when customers who had visited one retail store within California heard cries. The cries were coming for a storm drain which was nearby and they never wasted time to find out the cause. They never believed what they found out- it was a little kitten who was stuck in a PVC pipe.
When they discovered the kitten was stuck, they knew something had to be done to save the situation. The poor creature was stuck in an eight inch pipe and its access was so limited. Those who made the discovery failed to rescue the cat on the same day since they never had the right tools and had to seek for assistance. It was until the next day when rescuers joined hands to resume the rescue. After some time, they managed to see the kitten for the very first time. With a lot of digging and determination, the operation was a success. Piper is the name which they ended up giving him.
Luckily, Piper was not hurt and is happy and healthy at the moment. We have to thank all those who took part in rescuing the poor cat.
Watch the heartwarming rescue in the video below: