Many Individuals cannot wait to stop working so they can eventually do what they have been waiting to do for decades. Most people who have stopped working like traveling, because they are now free and have money put aside to do so.
Larry and Peggy Neaves were among those who longed to travel. He was an agent of the FBI and her, a worker of the U.S. customs. However, after they stopped working, their life became different.
As a replacement for traveling, the two who had no previous skill of taking care of horses, opted to start a habitat for Horses.
They admitted neglected and mistreated horses and gave them a new life. They had initially longed to open a rest home for dying animals, nevertheless the ones that came to them flourished in their care.
They have only had three horses dying in the two and half years. This is great, particularly considering the awful situation the poor animals were in.
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