
A young horse in the city of Aktau in southwestern Kazakhstan managed to get himself pinned between two rocks. Time was running out as the foal was stuck upside down with his feet in the air.

Some good samaritans were driving in their SUV and noticed something moving in the rocks. They stopped and went to get a closer look. When they realized it was a horse, they sprung into action to help move one of the boulders.

The boulders were large and the only way to move it was to attach it with a strap to their vehicle. The young horse was in a scary position upside down. Slowly, the boulder budged but needed a little more help before freeing the foal. One of the rescuers manually pulled and maneuvered the boulder out of the way.

Finally the foal was free. He tumbled in the dirt then popped up on his feet. He seemed unharmed with no visible injuries. After taking a moment to catch his breath and access his surroundings, he walked off. Before his departure, he nods at his rescuers saying thanks.

It is unclear how the horse got into this scary position. The rescuers were at the right place at the right time.

Watch the heroic rescue below.

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