Imagine a situation where people have to work together as a team, and then imagine that this situation is so pressuring that it becomes a little difficult for the people to run things smoothly. In that case, you’ll agree that these people can actually pull off whatever they want to do only if the pressure motivates them rather than hurt their morale. You’ll learn something good today!
Here’s an innocent horse, almost drowning in a bog. The horse just fell in and has no way of getting himself out of the extremely dangerous situation. But not that all hope is lost. Just not yet!
As if by a stroke of luck, some cyclists happen to be riding by, and they spot the struggling animal. They decide to pack their bikes and save the creature’s life. However, the situation demands that they come up with the perfect plan to get the animal out of the bog. One mistake could make things much worse. Now you’ll love what they did!
By the end of it, the horse gets to live. He even gets up all by himself and walks off gracefully.
If it weren’t for these cyclists riding by, the outcome of this story would have no doubt been dark. So glad they happened to be going by!
Watch the wonderful rescue below: