If you ask some people, they’ll tell you just how cold-at-heart a cat can be. They’ll want to convince you that a feline wasn’t ‘built’ to fall in love with anything, not even humans. Now, that’s when such cool clips as this one pops up to prove them all wrong.
Here’s this good guy, and he owns this lovely pet that hates to be away from him. If you’re thinking about the pet, just know that’s a cool little feline that’s in so much love with its human that all the animal wants is to be near him, cuddling up and getting pampered and showered with love. In return, it offers its own nice version of affection, and you’ll love that.
This tells you something that may have escaped you for so long. Cats aren’t cold, they’re just cautious, and all they need is a little love to open them up.
Watch this and comment. What do you think about this? Something like this needs to spread, so you’ll want to SHARE it with you Facebook friends and let everyone see this!