One fine day last summer, Timberlin suddenly realizes that Remy seems to have disappeared. When she realized that her daughter had apparently disappeared, darkness began to appear. To make matters worse, the family lived next to a very large and dense cornfield.
“My heart was definitely racing,” she said.
She quickly searched the area herself, repeatedly saying goodbye to her daughter. Unfortunately, you didn’t hear or see anything. She called the police to report her daughter missing before heading back to the dark cornfields. She crossed them, shouting “Remy!” Again and again.
Timberlyn thinks their pet Yorkie, named Heath, wandered into the cornfield with Remy behind him. Soon the rumor of the missing girl spread, and soon the whole farming community joined in the search.
Over 100 people appeared in the dark to search for the little girl. The search continued all night. A search and rescue helicopter circled the area looking for Remy as police tusks scoured the area.
“There are all kinds of wildlife, you hear coyotes all the time,” she explained.
After a full 12 hours of searching, things were starting to look grim. Fortunately, one of the police dogs suddenly barked. Then the police heard a fainter bark, half a mile from the family home. The police quickly allowed the dogs to lead them to the area where they found Remy and her lover Heath. She slept soundly with her faithful dog by her side.
“She told us he stayed with her all night there, that little dog Heath is definitely a hero,” his mum said