
A cow named Maybelle had spent her whole life on a farm as a dairy cow. When it was finally time for her to retire, her owners knew it would be best for her to go to a sanctuary to live out the rest of her days, rather than be sent to slaughter. Thankfully they gave Maybelle the second chance that she deserved.

Her owners contacted The Gentle Barn, a six-acre sanctuary in Santa Clarita, California, with large horse and cow pastures, a barnyard for smaller animals, an organic vegetable garden, many shade trees, all surrounded by mountains. They opened up a second location in Knoxville, Tennessee, and hope to open a Gentle Barn in every state.


The Gentle Barn has helped hundreds of animals, and many of them, like Maybelle, are living out the rest of their lives there. When Maybelle first arrived at The Gentle Barn, she kept crying, mooing, and pacing around. It was like she had to tell them something, but they weren’t exactly sure what.


Then they remembered that when a rescue cow did this in the past, it was because they were looking for their baby. That’s when they decided to go back to the dairy farm that Maybelle came from, to see if perhaps she had a baby who was still there.


It turns out that she did! They explained the situation and asked the farmer if they could take her nine-month-old baby as well, and they agreed! They brought the calf, named Miles, back to The Gentle Barn to reunite with his mother.


When Maybelle saw the truck arrive, she began calling out, and Miles spoke back. As soon as they opened the trailer door, Maybelle and Miles ran to each other and were ecstatic to see each other again. They are both inseparable, and Maybelle hasn’t made a peep since. Both of them will get to live out their lives together at The Gentle Barn in Tennessee and never have to worry about being separated ever again!

Watch Maybelle and Miles reunite in the video below:

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