If curiosity was a being, cats would most probably be its relatives. A cat will always want to investigate everything within their vicinity. You buy a new machine at home, and your cat will be the first “scientist” to study it. Case in point: Cats and cleaners!
So here’s this cat, and then there’s this big vacuum cleaner that doesn’t seem to “mind” to keep blowing and sucking right in front of the feline’s face. As you would expect, the feline member wants to understand the actual workings of this new black thing, and most especially when it threatens to take the cat’s whiskers away. And there’s something about new strange things tingling a cat’s paws!
To kick off his scientific session, the cat grabs the cleaner and attempts to get a closer look. He wants to really get to know what’s going on here. This thing is making so much noise and also “pulling” at the cat, and that only works to make the little being more curious. Now wait for that moment when the cat tries to stick out the tongue!
This is too hilarious to use alone. Laugh and SHARE!