
Ocampo attempted to don 13 pounds of clothing in an attempt to outsmart the baggage fee system of their chosen airline. In an interview with South West News Service, Ocampo admitted knowing that their luggage was already overflowing with clothes, as they could “barely close” the bag before leaving their hotel.

The duo hoped to avoid checking their bag during the boarding process, but unfortunately, the airline brought out a trolley with a scale, compelling them to do so. Ocampo described their appearance, stating, “I looked like a bear. I’m small and petite, but I looked like the exact opposite.” Apparently, they were informed of a $65 charge for excess baggage, prompting them to stuff even more belongings into their attire.

“It was kind of embarrassing; everyone in line was staring at us and laughing at us,” Ocampo reflected after the incident. “People were annoyed that we were holding the plane up.”

Despite their efforts, the two passengers eventually boarded the flight but were unsuccessful in their attempt to evade the fine system, as shown in the video.

Jetstar’s spokesperson addressed the situation in a statement to The New York Post. The statement highlighted the airline’s carry-on limits to ensure fairness and meet safety requirements. It acknowledged the humorous aspect of the situation but emphasized the need for everyone to have adequate space for their belongings.

On social media, many found the incident amusing, with some expressing their willingness to do the same. Users commented with humor, stating, “THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN,” and others shared laughter, with comments like, “Crying in Starbucks over this, this is hilarious,” and “I would do the same 😂😭.”

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