
Helene Fischer is a music sensation in Germany, famously performing the country’s unofficial anthem, *Atemlos* (*Breathless*), when Germany won the FIFA World Cup in 2014. So it was no surprise that she hosted her own music and talk show on German TV.

What *was* surprising, however, was the special guest who joined her on stage!

Celine Tam, the powerhouse vocalist who wowed audiences on *America’s Got Talent*, was invited to perform a duet with Fischer. Together, they sang *You Raise Me Up*, originally recorded by the Irish-Norwegian duo Secret Garden. While the song was a minor hit for them, it has since been covered by over 100 artists—including Josh Groban, whose rendition is widely recognized.

Tam was no stranger to the song. In fact, she first performed it at just six years old, making this duet both a challenge and a perfect fit for her.

At only 10 years old, she found herself standing beside one of Germany’s biggest stars, ready to take on an unforgettable performance.

“This is such a powerful song,” Fischer said, introducing her young co-star. *“Honestly, I have goosebumps—maybe even more so because I get to sing it with this incredibly talented young lady.”*

From the moment Tam opened her mouth, the audience was in awe—including Fischer herself! Her parents watched proudly from the crowd as their daughter lit up the room with her stunning voice.

Tam isn’t just another young singer.

With so many talent shows on TV today, we’ve heard plenty of incredible child performers. But Tam is in a league of her own. Despite being just 10, her voice carried an extraordinary range, clarity, and control far beyond her years.

Then came the breathtaking climax.

As the music swelled and fireworks erupted, Fischer and Tam belted the final notes with all their might. The audience couldn’t contain their excitement—applause erupted even before the song ended!

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