
As reported by Fox 13 News, it took over three hours for all the puppies to be born at Tampa Airport, with many passengers staying to witness the exciting moment. Some shared their experiences on social media, with one person mentioning they were present since the birth of the fifth puppy, garnering attention on Instagram.

A passenger informed Fox News 13, “I was here since puppy five. It’s on Instagram; we’re getting a lot of likes.” She recounted the chaotic scene at the airport caused by Eleanor, who was about to board a plane to Philadelphia when she unexpectedly went into labor. The fire department intervened, ensuring the safe delivery of the puppies. Eleanor is now the proud mother of seven male pups and one female, and it’s clear she has her paws full.

Tampa Fire and Rescue paramedics assisted in the delivery, ensuring a smooth process with no complications. Playfully, they suggested naming the pups after themselves, with the girl named after the Fox News 13 reporter present, Natalie.

Although Eleanor, Golden Nugget, and Diane Van After missed their scheduled flight, they didn’t seem too bothered. With no pressing engagements, they were on their way home. However, due to the newborn pups, flying was no longer an option. Driving became the safest choice, as most airlines don’t accept puppies less than two days old, and some have guidelines specifying a minimum age of two weeks for travel with infants.

While the journey by plane was ruled out, the drive home was likely an enjoyable one with the company of those adorable little pups

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