Anyone who has ever owned a dog or even interacted with one will agree with two facts about these creatures: That we have “just dogs,” and then we have smart dogs. You definitely want to know in which category the creature in this video falls in. From the look of things here, it’s quite easy to decide!
So here’s Brynn the dog, and he loves snacks. His owners have trained him very well. In fact, judging from his behavior here, the only thing distinguishing Brynn and a human is his physical appearance. He’s just too smart for a dog!
This clip features this dog as he runs and wags his tail into a store and heads right up to the snack section. He grabs his favorite snack and proceeds to get it into the shopping basket. He even manages to get the basket to the cashier. Yes, he kind of intends to make a purchase. Next? You won’t believe this! Even the cashier is clearly smitten. You’ve to see this!
Watch the cool clip here and SHARE right away!