Amidst a challenging legal battle with his first spouse, Cryer crossed paths with Joyner, but it took him six weeks to muster the courage to ask her out. Reflecting on Cryer’s cautious approach, his wife mentioned in a 2015 interview:
“I thought he was going to be my new best gay friend. We got to know each other. And had it not happened that way, I don’t think we’d be together.”
The couple exchanged vows in 2007 in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and later welcomed their adopted daughter, Daisy, into their lives in 2009. While they don’t have biological children, their bond has endured the test of time.
In 2020, Cryer shared on Twitter his distress over losing his wedding ring one rainy night at Cooper’s Park in Vancouver, expressing how difficult it was to be separated from his wife due to work commitments.
“My wife and I have been married since 2007, and it’s hard to be away from each other,” Cryer lamented. “With quarantine in effect, I can’t travel back and forth to see her while I’m shooting. Which sucks spectacularly. Losing my ring is making the pain more acute.”
In a stroke of luck, Cryer enlisted the help of Chris Turner from The Ring Finders via Craigslist, who managed to locate the ring with a metal detector in Cooper’s Park, despite initial skepticism.
Joyner remarked that finding the ring “saved a marriage,” and it deepened her affection for her husband, appreciating his efforts to retrieve the sentimental item:
“That ring meant so much. It has so many memories behind it.”