
Another clip showcasing Mulroney’s extraordinary talent features the accomplished star delivering a solo cello performance. The piece he masterfully executed was “The Swan” from Camille Saint-Saëns’ “The Carnival of the Animals,” composed in the 19th century. This footage was captured during Mulroney’s special appearance at the 33rd Annual Citizens Bank Pops by the Sea Concert held on the Hyannis Village Green in Massachusetts in August 2018. Collaborating with the esteemed Boston Pops Orchestra, Mulroney delighted fans with his remarkable artistry.

“Woah… as if I needed another reason to admire him even more 😂 Performing with the Boston Pops is truly impressive!” exclaimed one astonished fan, while another commented, “Wow… such a beautifully executed performance!! I had no idea he was such a skilled musician!”

In an interview with Today in January 2016, Mulroney disclosed that even he sometimes finds his unexpected musical talent surprising.

“I’m actually quite proficient on the cello. It’s one of the most unexpected things you could imagine,” he remarked. Reflecting on his journey with the instrument, he added:

“It took me 45 years to fully embrace the cello… It was tough, lugging that thing around on the school bus… But now, here I am on the Today show, and suddenly it’s cool.”

It seems that if, by some unlikely circumstance, Mulroney’s star were to dim in the world of cinema, he could always rely on his musical prowess. However, composer Michael Giacchino believes that acting may not necessarily be Mulroney’s foremost passion.

“Honestly, I think if he had the choice, he would prefer music over the whole acting scene. He has such a deep love for music, and he’s truly dedicated to it, not to mention being an incredibly talented player and one of the kindest individuals you’ll ever meet. He’s just a fantastic person. I have so much admiration for him,” Giacchino remarked

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